My Struggle with Mental Health (Part 1)

Statistics show that 1 in 5 adults in the United States suffer from mentalhealth issues of any kind (Source: National Alliance on Mental Illness). With a prevalence like that, why is it that whenindividuals are diagnosed with a mental health disorder, they instantly feelalone? Why is the stigma around mental health still no negative? I honestly wishI could answer these questions in this post, but I actually want to get a littlemore personal. This post is going to...

What's in a Name?

I wanted to write a short post on how my blog got its name. While I was a danceteacher for about five years, the name did not stem from my students. In fact, Imade them call me Miss Brie because of the story I am about to tell you.I was doted on by my Grammy and her sisters when I was born. I got all of theattention in the world that I could have asked for those first five monthsbefore my cousin was born. Even as a toddler, I ate it up. I played teacher,bossed them around and carried just...

Reflections - National Diabetes Month

So, it’s November now, I really can’t believe it! I feel like the year only juststarted and already I am thinking about all of the Thanksgiving sides I will bescarfing down in a few short weeks. I am happy to report that Turkey Day is notthe only thing I have to look forward to this month. If you didn’t know,November is National Diabetes Month, so I am going to kick it off by talkingabout what it means to me.I have always been really into diabetes advocacy and awareness, thanks to my mom...

Perfectly Imperfect

I want to start this post by saying that if you are looking for the newestdiabetic role model to show you all of the “tips and tricks” to getting that A1Cunder a 6.0, you have got the wrong girl. I don’t believe that there is a rightor wrong way to handle living with Type 1 Diabetes, and what has worked for mein the past or is working for me now, might not work for others. I am here toshare my thoughts, and want my readers to also share theirs. With that in mind,let’s jump in!I want to a...

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